This Project is a locally managed Community Development initiative, funded by Irelands Department for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. The Project works for the eradication of poverty, empowering of local people, realisation of Social Justice and a commitment to community transformation. The Project encourages all local people to become involved and welcomes any level of commitment that makes a positive contribution to the Edenmore community, its people and its surroundings.
For anybody interested in reviewing an area to help others, you can have a look at the Rate My Area website. This website allows you to pick anywhere and leave your own personal comments about the place. So far Edenmore Shopping Centre has no rerviews! Want to be the first to reivew it, then click here!
Following on from the recent CDP demonstration against cuts in 2009 and the recommendations contained in the Bord Snip Report, a Community & Voluntary Sector wide march has been organised for Wed 30th September.
The purpose of this march is to highlight the sectors opposition to such wholesale cuts and voice the very real impacts that this will have in communities already experiencing poverty, marginalisation and structural inequalities. Already we have seen a range of services and supports at the Voluntary & Community level being affected, with unseen consequences for many at this stage.
Edenmore CDP is calling on all organisations to support this day of protest and demonstrate the collective opposition of the Community & Voluntary Sector. We are also calling on all those who have been impacted positively by the work of these organisations to show their support on the day. If you require further information about this event and what you can do to support it please contact the CDP office on 01-8771957
The Edenmore CDP and the Youth Drugs Outreach Program from Edenmore were invited to take part in DCTVs Communities in Studios initiative. As a member organisation of DCTV we were provided with the opportunity to put together a studio-based program on an issue we felt was relevant to our area and our work.
The Edenmore Drugs Youth Outreach Program had successfully put together a drama based production which was performed locally over the summer of 2009. 'Screwed' was an adaptation of the popular Dickens novel A Chrsitmas Carol which features Ebeneezer Scrooge, incorporating a modern-day theme of drug misuse and its impact upon communities, families and individuals. The initiative had several local young people working with a professional Stage Director, suffering long hours of rehearsal and experiencing the nerves of any would-be Actor. The production sold out 2 nights in Edenmore BNS and went on to be performed in the Axis Centre in Ballymun. We were assured by all who took part that it was worth it!
The Communities in Studio production talks to the Cast and Outreach worker (Jenny Byrne) about their involvement, the characters they played and the impact it had. The program will soon be aired on DCTV but you can see it in full at the Vimeo website.
Edenmore CDP Staff and Committee have been working together to develop their Communications Strategy and Team Building Skills. Using the medium of the Film/DVD they produced this 9 minute short that tells us a litle about where Edenmore is, the sort of place it is and some of the work the CDP is doing at a local level. Copies of the Film can be acquired by contacting the CDP directly. We would like to thank Aoibheann O Sullivan who helped us to put this film together and for supporting us during it's production. Let us know what you think about it! Go to Youtube for the enlarged version.
Community Development in Action
Communtiy Development is a broad field and occurs in many areas across the world. Below are some short interesting films that have a Community Development ethos at the heart of what they do.